How to, Worldbuilding, Writing

US Stereotypes that Fit Me

In this episode, I thought I would talk about Like stereotypes…….This topic will be a two-parter, in this episode we’re going to cover stereotypes that DO fit me and in the next one, we’ll cover the ones that DON’T.

Naturally there’s a list! I mean that’s what you came here for, right?

1. Americans are Loud – Oh, yes. But I have to admit that growing up, I found that Latinos are louder than Americans. If you’re new here – I am American-Peruvian and grew up with a foot in both cultures. So I bring up not only American views, but Peruvian as well. I find the whole idea of Americans being loud so hilarious because this is brought up SO MUCH on social media and yet all that goes through my head is: You Europeans don’t know loud.

I am considered loud, even by American standards….just FYI. But I have long made peace with it. I also take great joy getting weird looks from Americans because of this. I will never conform….

2. Workaholism – hustle culture. Yeah, that was a habit I brought with me from the States and it was a habit that took me years to step back from.

While this wasn’t a problem with the normal jobs I’ve had – microbiologist, translator, marketing associate. I was bad when it came to my writing or YouTube or social media. The idea that every spare minute I have should be used to do something that could make me money.

I have learned to take steps back and to take a break. It has really helped my mental health to the point that when I do get back into writing or social media or YouTube, I produce better content and I utilize my time more efficiently.

I felt that tug a lot during my pregnancy and even more after my baby came and I had to really learn to just slow down period. What used to take me a whole day now takes months as I can only work in a few hour chunks and that is only if the little madam decides to take a nap.

We as Americans are sold this image of our pioneer women ancestors who were pregnant who managed to work the fields right up until they gave birth – in that same field – then picked up that newborn, strapped it to their back, and got right back to work. It’s not true, not really, but we are convinced that we have to do this whole motherhood thing alone and to work like we don’t have children and to parent like we don’t have jobs….

ANYWAY – I’m back on YouTube for five minutes and already rambling!

3. Small Talk – Yes, I will admit that I miss it. I really enjoy talking with random strangers. But it’s what I grew up with so of course it comes easy for me. 

I did a video while back where I theorized how the US is for extroverts and Germany is for introverts. I’ll link it below. 

However, if I’m being honest, I’m glad that small talk is not as expected in Germany because most days, I don’t feel chatty. As a result, I do get to enjoy it more when I’m in the States because it doesn’t happen as often.

But that’s me

4. Obsession with Junk Food – So whenever I go to the States I have a list. It’s not “what to visit” or “who to see”

It’s “What to eat”. I wish I was kidding, but I’m not.

Granted, within my lifetime – I think the junk food creations that Americans have come up with has gone a tad too far. But I’m still usually willing to try it – at least once.

I have even noticed that Germany is starting to get a little more adventures with their junk food (show image of asparagus burger mcdonald’s)

Some stuff I didn’t like – some I did. Some I didn’t even try….I’m looking at your asparagus burger,

I will say that what you see in an American supermarket is not necessarily what you will find in an American home. These companies will come up with all these ideas to get Americans to buy purely for the sake of novelty – take Oreos for example.

You can go to Walmart and find an aisle made up mainly of different oreo flavors and it’s crazy but it doesn’t mean we eat all that. We are usually into trying a new thing, at least once.

BUT whenever I saw oreos at someone’s house – it was almost always the original.

5. Ignorant of history – Yeah, I will admit that our education in history isn’t the greatest. Especially compared to Europe or South America.

I can also tell you that in the States – it’s getting worse.

I could dedicate an entire episode to how the US tackles their history compared to Germany or even Peru. But to keep it brief for this episode – we usually go at about a surface level and it’s geared in a way that makes us look good. We have also started polarizing our historical figures and – like I said – it’s too much for this episode. If you’re interested in my take, let me know in the comments below.

But when I was in school, I remember taking courses in US history as well as American history – cause I always got so excited when we talked about the Incas because I knew SO MUCH! I was also a huge fan of the American Girl dolls. They are dolls set in a certain time period in US history and their books capture a screenshot of that time and what it was like for a young girl at that time. It’s such a cool way to get interested in US history. I still have Samantha, which I’m glad since apparently they don’t have her anymore.

But like I said – a lot of our education in history is US-centric. The only reason why I knew so much of Peruvian/Incan history was because of my mom who wanted me to know more history outside of the US. 

My first real deep dive into anything European was my semester abroad in Sevilla, Spain where most of my classes were history based: The three cultures of Spain: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim; Islamic Architecture in Muslim Spain, as well as Relations between Spain and the Americas post-independence. They were all amazing courses! I loved every minute of them. I need to be better about history because it is so fascinating and it helps getting more insight into what shapes a culture today.

And that’s the list…..

What do you think? What are your thoughts on all of this? What other American Stereotypes come to mind? There are no wrong answers here, folks, but I would love to know your thoughts. Let me know in the comments below!

And that’s it, thanks for joining me, if you’re new here, please consider subscribing and giving this video a thumbs up. It lets me and YouTube know that you like this kind of content and you want to see more.

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And don’t forget to connect with me on social media whether it is through TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. 

And that’s it. Until next time. Adee.

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